
Submit to Yale Law & Policy Review

Print Edition

Articles & Essays

Volume 44 of the Yale Law & Policy Review will be open for submissions on February 1, 2025.

Topics: YLPR publishes legal scholarship on a wide variety of topics that address a combination of legal and policy-oriented issues. YLPR strongly prefers publishing scholarship that includes both descriptive and normative analyses and a policy recommendation or critique. YLPR also strongly favors pieces that include some discussion of, or otherwise relate to, United States law and policy. Such scholarship might focus solely on the United States or offer a comparative international approach.

Length: YLPR strongly prefers Articles under 25,000 words (including footnotes) and will publish manuscripts over 25,000 words only under exceptional circumstances. In general, Essays are shorter pieces of legal scholarship (around 15,000 words including footnotes). YLPR accords the same weight to Articles as it does to Essays but distinguishes the two on the basis of scope and length.

Eligibility: Current law students are not eligible for publication of an Article or Essay, though anyone is welcome to submit an Inter Alia piece for consideration. (If you are a current Yale Law School student seeking to submit a piece, please refer to the section on Notes and Comments below.) There are no other categorical restrictions on who may submit an Article or Essay.

Review Process: YLPR reviews submissions during the spring semester, beginning in February. The review process proceeds in two stages: (1) the YLPR submissions team conducts an initial review and selects pieces to elevate for consideration to the full YLPR Executive Board; and (2) the YLPR Executive Board then votes on submissions to accept for publication. The Editors-in-Chief will extend offers of publication to authors.

Optional Demographic Information: Through the Scholastica system, YLPR allows authors to submit an optional demographic information form when submitting their manuscript (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation, academic position). This information will be visible to YLPR’s Editors alongside the manuscript. Submitting demographic information through this form is entirely optional.

Expedite Requests: If an author has received a formal offer of publication from another journal and would like YLPR to expedite review of that piece, the author should indicate that in their Scholastica submission. YLPR will attempt to honor all requests for expedited review.

Notes & Comments

The Yale Law & Policy Review is no longer accepting Notes and Comments for publication in Volume 43, and submissions for Volume 44 will open in early 2025.

Topics: YLPR publishes student scholarship on a wide variety of topics. A Note or Comment (the latter of which may be a Book Review) should include analyses of both law and policy. YLPR also strongly favors pieces that include some discussion of, or otherwise relate to, United States law and policy. Such scholarship might focus solely on the United States or offer a comparative international approach.

Length: Notes cannot exceed 20,000 words (including footnotes), and Comments cannot exceed 3,000 words (excluding footnotes).

Eligibility: YLPR's student publications submissions process is open to all current Yale Law School students, including third-year law students graduating in Spring 2024.

Anonymity Requirements and Review Process: We believe that each piece of student scholarship should be considered purely on its merits. We therefore use an anonymous screening process in which the identity of the author is unknown unless the piece is accepted. Under no circumstances should you reveal your identity anywhere in your Note or Comment anywhere in your Statement of Originality, or anywhere else in your submission materials.  In addition, please do not discuss your work with the members of the Selection Committee.

Volume 43 Notes & Comments Selection Committee: Gabriel Klapholz, Seungmin Park, Atia Ahmed, Sarah Donilon, Gila Glattstein, Derek Nelson, Raymond Perez, Dhruv Singh, Claire Smith, and Jack Sollows.

Online Edition - Inter Alia

Inter Alia is the Yale Law & Policy Review’s online companion to the print edition. Inter Alia serves as a cutting-edge forum for short, timely, normative scholarship at the intersection of law and policy.

The Yale Law & Policy Review is currently accepting Inter Alia Remarks for publication in Volume 43.

Inter Alia accepts only electronic submissions. Submissions should be uploaded to the YLPR Volume 43 Inter Alia Submission Form. If, for any reason, you are unable to upload your submission and your resume or CV using the form, you may instead email your materials to with the subject line "YLPR INTER ALIA SUBMISSION [First Name][Last Name]." 

Topics: Inter Alia seeks submissions that directly and incisively engage with current policy issues or respond to recent scholarship on a wide variety of topics at the intersection of law and policy. Published on a rolling basis, Inter Alia Remarks should be timely and highly normative. Descriptive sections should be kept short and all submissions should include a policy recommendation or critique. Inter Alia Editors also favor pieces that relate to United States law and policy, though scholarship may offer a comparative international approach.

Length: Inter Alia strongly prefers Remarks under 2,000 words (excluding footnotes) and will publish pieces over 2,500 words only under exceptional circumstances. For more information about submission procedures or topical guidelines, please contact Editors-in-Chief Rebecca Araten and Cris Guevara-Plunkett at

Review Process: Inter Alia reviews submissions on a rolling basis. The Inter Alia Editors—in consultation with the Editors-in-Chief—will review submissions and select which Remarks to accept for publication. We will contact an author immediately upon acceptance.

Expedite Requests: If an author has received a formal offer of publication from another journal and would like Inter Alia to expedite review of that piece, please contact Editors-in-Chief Rebecca Araten and Cris Guevara-Plunkett at When requesting expedited review, please include the following information: (1) author’s name and the submission title; (2) name of the journal that has extended an offer; (3) date that the offer expires; and (4) contact information for the point-of-contact at that journal.