Opportunism Zones

Associate Professor; Albany Law School (edeba@albanylaw.edu). Thanks to Ava Ayers, Lisa Alexander, Bernadette Atuahene, Susan Bennett, Ray Brescia, Richard Briffault, Sara Bronin, Steve Clowney, Danshera Cords, Nestor Davidson, Clay Gillette, Keith Hirokawa, Michelle Layser, Julie Lawton, Anika Singh Lemar, Pat Reyhan, Rich Schragger, Kate Seely-Kirk, Brett Theodos, Mildred E. Warner, Brandon Weiss and participants at the 8th Annual State and Local Government Law Works-in-Progress Conference at University of Virginia School of Law, 2019 Clinical Writers Workshop at NYU School of Law, Seton Hall Law School’s Faculty Colloquium, Albany Law School Summer Writing and Junior Faculty Workshops for comments on earlier drafts. Thank you to Megan Bassler, Julie Dean, Beyza Diril, Andrew Hersey, Alicia Johnson, and Kristopher Wilson for excellent research assistance. Thanks also to the Albany Law School Dean’s Summer Research Grant for financial assistance. I am also grateful to the editors of the Yale Law & Policy Review for their thoughtful editing of and engagement with this Article.